In the realm of sports equipment, one identity has meant quality for longer than all others: Adidas.
Adidas has been creating sports gear for near on a century. If you perform a sport, odds are that Adidas creates equipment for it. Whether it is shoes, clubs, rackets, jerseys, shorts or sweats, Adidas has the appropriate gear. And runners know that they can get both comfort and quality in an Adidas track jacket.
Adidas has been associated with track events since the 1920’s, and this German organization walked right into the Jesse Owens controversy of the 1936 Olympics by getting him to adorn Adidas Shoes. This kind of respect among the best of the best has ensured that Adidas is recognized as a brand that runners can believe in. Other brands have been around longer, others have come and go, but Adidas has constantly delivered the same dependable quality. They have never compromised and that has kept runners coming back. When you see the three stripes, you know you have quality.
When you try on an Adidas track jacket, you will know why this tradition continues. All jackets are made for comfort out of steadfast, breathable material. Adverse weather will not be an issue as these togs will keep you dry in heavy rain and warm as weather becomes cooler. They will pull the elements away from your body thus keeping the downpour off you. Lightweight construction will also ensure that you can warm up appropriately.
And it is not just construction and quality that makes the Adidas track jacket such a hot article. It is panache. Like the Porsche or the BMW, Adidas apparel is as much a style statement as it is a sample of great German engineering. The jackets come in many styles, as you would get in any fine brand of jackets. And because of their robustness and their style, you can wear them anywhere. Since the running trend began almost forty years ago, track jackets have become part of everyone’s everyday clothing.
Over the years, other brands have copied the Adidas Trefoil brand and the symbolic three stripes on shoes and clothing. They aren’t fools: They know that these brands will bring buyers. But take a closer look and you will know when you are truly looking at enduring symbols of quality. You will see the difference in the construction, the materials, and the design of the products.