The glorious days of summer mean fun in the sun, and men who want to display their healthy penis may be considering a trip to a nude beach. This is an excellent way to display to others the results of one’s meticulous attention to penis care, but it pays to take a few minutes to examine the pros and cons of a nude beach before venturing out in that direction.
Although exact figures are hard to come by, it’s generally assumed that participation in nudist (or naturist) activities is on the rise. The American Sunbathing Association claims some 35,000 naturist members and lists almost 200 clothing-optional parks and camps in North America. In Europe, the number of nudist options is even greater.
So, with the rising popularity of nudism, what are some of the pros and cons for a man to consider before baring it all on the beach?
– Pro: It’s a great way to show off. Many men have at least a small exhibitionist streak. Walking around with it all hanging out holds a great appeal for many men – and not just for those whose endowments are of an especially impressive size.
– Con: One has to be careful showing off. Most nudists despair over the association of nudism with relentless sexual activity. As a result, blatant and purposeful exhibition of an excited penis is generally frowned upon – and can get a guy thrown off the premises in some cases.
– Pro: It feels great. There’s something very special about being bare in the outdoors and feeling the breeze, the spray of the sea and the warmth of the sun all over the body, unimpeded by a layer of clothing.
– Con: Ummm… the sun. Of course, one can have too much of a good thing. Skin that is not used to being exposed to the sun can burn quickly and can be quite painful. And a penis with a bad sunburn is not going to be in proper shape for any pleasurable activity.
– Pro. Rubbing lotion on one’s partner. With no pesky swimsuit in the way, one can really enjoy rubbing suntan lotion into one’s partner’s skin in a new and interesting way.
– Con. Getting lotion rubbed on oneself. Of course, when one’s partner turns to using her lovely hands to apply lotion on one’s own privates, it may become very obvious to all involved just how exciting this new experience is (See above con about showing off.)
– Pro: Lots of people to watch. Clearly, this is one of the big attractions of a nude beach: the chance to see a lot of luscious skin on display. There usually are all types on a nude beach – short, tall, slender, full-figured, leggy, tattooed, and on and on. It can be a smorgasbord for the eyes.
– Con: Staring is a no-no. Unfortunately, it’s considered rude to openly stare at others on the beach, especially in an obviously salacious manner. These are real people, after all, not images on the computer screen.
So is taking one’s admirably healthy penis to a nude beach the right option? It depends on the individual, of course. But every individual needs to keep his penis in good shape for any possible display options, and using a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) regularly is necessary to achieve that goal. A little advice: Look for L-arginine in the ingredients list of any crème one considers. Why? Because L-arginine is part of the process by which blood circulation in the penis is improved, and better circulation means a better exchange of oxygen and nutrients to the penis. While checking that ingredients list, make sure that it also9 includes an appropriate range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E. Topical application of a crème better delivery of these vitamins directly to the penis.