If you are thinking of planting grape vines and starting a vineyard, it means a lot of investment in time and money. You not only have to have money and time but you need to know the exact procedure and resources required for planting grape vines. Grape vines need a good area for plantation and if you don’t select a proper place, it most likely will ruin your adventure.
A number of things need to be considered while evaluating the suitability of planting grape vines. If you have answers to the following questions half the work is done.
· Is flooding a common occurrence for the site?
· Maximum and minimum temperatures of the site
· Is snowfall expected and to what extent?
· Is the soil good for drainage?
· Amount of rainfall and do you have to establish a system for irrigation?
· Steepness of the slope
· Is there a need to establish a windbreak or is it naturally available?
Let’s go deeper and explain some things so that you take an informed decision before planting grape vines.
Check the soil:
The soil gives nutrients to the vine so it is important that the soil have the necessary nutrients for the plant. An ideal soil for planting grape vines would be one which has thin subsoil and topsoil. This can retain water up to necessary levels besides providing a good drainage system. The soil should be two feet deep and should not have any obstructions.
Drainage system is being emphasized because accumulation of water around the roots makes the root to rot. This happens due to the displacement of oxygen surrounding the roots which in turn kills the vine. If the color of the subsoil is dark grey is means that the soil has a poor drainage system. However, if the subsoil is bright and brown in color, it means that the soil is good for drainage.
If the soil looks sticky, then it means the clay content is high and it can hold more water. The most appropriate soil for planting grape vines is one whose texture ranges from silty-clay loams to sandy loams.
Don’t forget water
Appropriate irrigation system should be set up before planting grape vines. In case there are dry spells during the planting season, irrigation system becomes handy. If you water the vines properly the chances of the vine surviving is that much higher. Moreover full grown vines require enough water during summers for proper ripening. In addition, water is also required for developing buds for the crop in the upcoming year.
Consider the slopes
Soil erosion takes place the most in steep slopes. Moreover if you plant your vines in steep slopes then taking machinery up the slope becomes difficult. Slopes facing the south often have early growth during the spring months which may lead to increase in risk of injury through frost. On the other hand slopes facing the north are mostly cooler which delays growth of vines and potentially avoid frost injury.
Frost injuries can also be avoided if you plant grape vines on slopes of around 2-3 percent. The reasoning for this is that when there is downward movement of cooler air, the warm air moves up. Cold air gets accumulated in low lying areas and if you plant your grape vines in these areas it can destroy your fruit.
You will just not be able to uproot your grape vines and plant them in another area when you realize that you have not chosen the correct spot. So it is very important to consider the requirements of a particular variety before planting grape vines.