Discover Zambia As Part of Your Safari Holidays

Discover Zambia As Part of Your Safari Holidays

Zambia is a big country with lots of different things to see. It is not yet fully on the tourist map so you can still go there and enjoy “the real Africa”. The key item on any itinerary to Zambia is Victoria Falls and you will want to prioritise visiting them during your Safari Holidays. The Kololo tribe that lived in the area in the 1800s described it as the “Mosi-Oa-Tunya” meaning “the smoke that thunders”. Nothing can prepare you for the awe-inspiring site of the waterfall and the falls are listed as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. 546 million cubic metres of water fall over the edge every minute. The waterfall is 2 kilometres wide and has a 100 metre drop. The Victoria Falls waterfall is faced by a cliff capped by a rain forest and you can follow a path along this cliff to view it at close range – just prepare to get soaked! Victoria Falls is part of the Zambezi River which travels through six countries to the Indian Ocean. Your Safari Holidays should be planned so that you can take the time to travel along the Zambezi for a while and enjoy viewing wildlife along the river banks as well as perhaps indulging in some of the excellent fishing available.

Enjoy a traditional festival during your Safari Holidays

Zambia has a number of traditional festivals which take place throughout the year and if you happen to be on your Safari Holidays at the same time as one of these is on then you should definitely go and take a look. The Kazanga Ceremony is Zambia’s oldest traditional festival and has been taking place between June and August for the past 500 years. Another major festival is the Kuomboka Festival which celebrates the migration of the Lozi King from his dry season home in Lealui to his wet season palace in Limulunga. The king wears an elaborate costume and travels down with the river with a flotilla of barges. All of the festivals have music, dancing and delicious local food and will truly be a highlight of your Safari Holidays.

Eating and drinking during your Zambian Safari Holidays

All the big game viewing and amazing sites of your Luxury Safari Holidays will leave you with a big appetite at the end of the day and you won’t regret trying out the local delicacies. The main food of Zambia is a maize product called nsima which has a similar consistency to mashed potatoes. You roll it into a ball and dip it into stews with your hands. The local stews or relishes are very healthy and are filled with meats and vegetables including okra and pumpkin leaves. A meal of nsima and relish will only set you back about $1. You can wash your meal down with the local beer called Mosi or perhaps try maize based soft drink called maheu. Of course western food is also widely available for the unadventurous.

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